
Page Anchors

 General Information

MMEA Vice-Presidents are elected by the MMEA membership and serve two-year terms.  

          *NOTE: MMEA Vice-Presidents serve as a voting members on the MMEA Board of Directors.

    The MMEA College/University Vice-President is responsible for the following duties, each year during their two-year term:


     Position Responsibilities:

  • Represent all levels of Collegiate Education throughout the state.
  • Attend MMEA Board of Director Meetings (February, April, August).
  • Submit four articles for the Missouri School Music Magazine (February, April, August, November)
  • Provide any needed support to the Band Vice-President regarding the selection process for two (2) performing ensembles (Small Ensembles) for the Annual MMEA In-Service Workshop/Conference.
  • Secure and coordinate five (2) clinic sessions for the Annual MMEA In-Service Workshop/Conference.
  • Preside over all College/University concerts and clinics at the Annual MMEA In-Service Workshop/Conference.
  • Serve on MMEA officer recommendation committee. (odd numbered years).
  • Select Outstanding Music Educator and Outstanding Young Music Educator Award.


MMEA Board of Directors Meetings

Missouri School Music Magazine

Conference Planning


Clinic/Session Parameters

Budget: $600 (Total Clinician Fees)

# Clinic Sessions: 2

# Performing Ensembles: 2

All-Collegiate Ensemble

Budget: $2,500 (Maximum Conductor Fee)

*All-Collegiate Ensemble Guidelines:  Update Pending Policy and Procedure revision/approval.

*NOTE: Exhibitor “Expand Your Visibility” Sponsorships are not applied to the clinician/presenter agreement terms.

Conference Planning Information