86th MMEA In-Service Workshop/Conference

“A Drop In The Bucket: The Ripple Effect Of Missouri Music Education”

January 22-27, 2024
Tan-Tar-A Conference Center

Missouri all-state children’s choir

rehearsal & performance

Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Performance – 4:30pm – Paradise C Ballroom

  Guidelines & processes

The All-State Children’s Choir is open to 4th and 5th grade students in Missouri.

Auditionees will submit an audio recording of “Happy Birthday” sung without accompaniment and in the key of their choice.

Audition recordings must be uploaded by the audition deadline, which is 11:59:59 PM CST on September 30. Uploads will be closed at midnight on the night of the deadline date. Teachers/Parents will be able to preview audition recordings after uploading but before submitting.

  • It will be helpful if the audition audio format is mp3. If there is a problem uploading other audio formats, contact Web Director Rob Nichols at mmeaadmin.cvconfirmations@mmea.net.
  • File names must not contain apostrophes. Only use letters, numbers, or dashes/underscores.  Judges will not be able to see file names.

A $10 non-refundable audition fee for each student must be paid via credit card at the time of the audition registration.

Late entries will not be accepted! The upload process will be disabled at the time of the deadline. Judging begins the morning of October 1.

Teachers will…

  • Record and upload their student auditions
  • Be able to preview student auditions before submitting 

Judges will…

  • Listen and score the auditions using the established rubric
  • Identify disqualifying factors found in the recordings

Judges will not…

  • Know who they are listening to
  • Have access to identifying information for each entry

The All-State Children’s Choir Chair will…

  • Verify completion of judging
  • Be responsible for taking questions regarding policy of the All-State Children’s Choir
  • Confer with the MMEA President to confirm the final membership roster. 
  • Manage audition and participation fees

The MMEA Web Director will…

  • Monitor data processes during registration and judging
  • Be responsible for primary tech support
  • Post the final roster when it is to be released