John G. Patterson

Outstanding Leadership Award


OBJECTIVE: to recognize an individual who provides exemplary leadership in the field of music education.



  1. This person must be:
    1.  an active or retired music educator in the state of Missouri
    2. a member of MMEA/NAfME
  2. The candidate must have demonstrated extraordinary leadership in music education at the local, district, or state level.
  3. The candidate will have contributed to one or more of the following:
    1. Exceptional musical growth of their students and classroom
    2. Service in their school district as an educator or an administrator
    3. Outstanding service as an officer of an MMEA Affiliate or MMEA District
    4. Enhancement of an organization, department, initiative or project
    5. Advocacy of the profession to local, state and federal governments
    6. Demonstration of Leadership and Service to MMEA


Selection Process:

  • The selection of this award recipient is made by the MMEA Executive Board



  • The award will be presented at the First General Session of the Annual MMEA In-Service Workshop/Conference