2024 MMEA Mentoring Conference: Schedule
10th annual mmea mentoring conference

september 15-16, 2024 * Tan-tar-a conference center
2024 Mentoring Conference
12:00pm – 1:00pm
Conference Registration
Registration for all 1st, 2nd and 3rd year teachers.
1:00pm – 1:30pm
General Session 1: “Don’t Question Your Life Choices Just Yet…”
Made a mistake during your first months of teaching?
This session will let you know that you are not alone.
1:30pm – 2:00pm
“The Greatest Profession”
After a month in the classroom reality has set in that this career is HARD. The overwhelming weight of lesson planning, classroom management and the many other things you weren’t prepared for cause many young teachers begin to question whether this is the career they wanted after all. In this session you will be reminded that this truly is the greatest profession.
2:15pm – 3:30pm
Content Area
Breakout Sessions
Content Area Sessions: “Classroom Environment, Professional Communication, Student Engagement and Motivation: Answering Your Questions Part 1”
K-12: Elizabeth Betts, Hailee Kaestner, Chris Sprague (Cedar Cove)
Elementary: Vicky Scott, Rene’ Spencer (Island)
Band: Kyle Donnelly, Chris Sacco, Chelsea Silvermintz, Kalleigh Saiz (Coral Reef)
Choir: Sarah Cook, Patrick Dell, Jodi Kratzer, Aaron Neff (Compass Rose)
Orchestra: Daniel Henderson (Port)
These breakout sessions are designed to address specific issues in the K-12, elementary, band, and choir disciplines. All sessions will provide the opportunity to ask questions of our experienced MMEA Mentors.
3:45pm – 4:15pm
General Session 2: “Give Them What They Want!”
Presenter: Aaron Money
Told from an administrator’s point of view this session is a discussion of what administrators are looking for in your program and in their building.
4:30pm – 5:30pm
Mentoring Lounge #1: “How, What, When?” Let us help!–Round Table Lounge
Attendees will be able to ask specific questions of mentors in a “speed dating” setting. Topics will include classroom management, lesson planning, best practices, discipline, and many others.
5:45pm – 6:30pm
JB’s Boathouse Deck
*Provided by MMEA
7:00pm – 8:00pm
Content Area
Breakout Sessions
Content Area Sessions: “Classroom Environment, Professional Communication, Student Engagement and Motivation: Answering Your Questions Part 2”
K-12: Elizabeth Betts, Hailee Kaestner, Chris Sprague (Cedar Cove)
Elementary: Vicky Scott, Rene’ Spencer (Island)
Band: Kyle Donnelly, Chris Sacco, Chelsea Silvermintz, Kalleigh Saiz (Coral Reef)
Choir: Sarah Cook, Patrick Dell, Jodi Kratzer, Aaron Neff (Compass Rose)
Orchestra: Daniel Henderson (Port)
These breakout sessions are designed to address specific issues in the K-12, elementary, band, and choir disciplines. All sessions will provide the opportunity to ask questions of our experienced MMEA Mentors.
8:15pm – 9:00pm
General Session 3: “Finding The Teacher Within”
Presenters: Hailee Kaestner, Kalleigh Saiz
This session is presented by teachers that are very early in their careers. All educators move through some normal and very common stages of professional development. It’s important to recognize and understand these stages while on our professional path.
9:00pm – 10:00pm
License To Chill
Social Networking
7:30am – 8:00am
Continental Breakfast / Mentor Lounge 2: “How, What, When?” Let us help!–Part 2
Attendees will be able to ask specific questions of mentors in a “speed dating” setting. Topics will include classroom management, lesson planning, best practices, discipline, and many others.
8:00am – 8:45am
General Session 4: “MSHSAA UPDATE”
Presenter: James Melton
This session will help new teachers navigate the rules and regulations of the MSHSAA Music Festivals.
8:00am – 8:45am
Elementary Breakout
Presenters: Vicky Scott, Rene’ Spencer
This breakout sessions by discipline will give you the chance to ask your questions of our experienced mentors.
9:00am – 9:30am
Compass Rose
Presiding: Sarah Sacco
“On The Hunt!”
Joint activity with NAfME-C and Tri-M members.
9:45am – 11:15am
Content Area
Breakout Sessions
Content Area Sessions: “Classroom Environment, Professional Communication, Student Engagement and Motivation: Answering Your Questions Part 3”
K-12: Elizabeth Betts, Hailee Kaestner, Chris Sprague (Cedar Cove)
Elementary: Vicky Scott, Rene’ Spencer (Island)
Band: Kyle Donnelly, Chris Sacco, Chelsea Silvermintz, Kalleigh Saiz (Coral Reef)
Choir: Sarah Cook, Patrick Dell, Jodi Kratzer, Aaron Neff (Compass Rose)
Orchestra: Daniel Henderson (Port)
These breakout sessions are designed to address specific issues in the K-12, elementary, band, and choir disciplines. All sessions will provide the opportunity to ask questions of our experienced MMEA Mentors.
11:30am – 12:15pm
“Finding Joy! Self Care for Music Educators”
Presenters: All Mentors
This session is designed to help young teachers find a balance between their work and personal lives to increase their longevity in the teaching profession.
Closing Remarks