MMEA Administration

Clinic/session informatION form

86th MMEA In-Service Workshop/Conference

January 23-27, 2024

General Information

  • Submitted by the MMEA Board Member that is responsible for the clinic/session.
  • Complete the following form for each 2024 conference clinic/session.

DEADLINE: October 1

2024 MMEA Clinic Session Information Form

  • Clinic/Session Information

    Check all areas that you would like to consider this session.
  • Please enter the TITLE of the session exactly as you wish it to appear in MMEA Conference publications.
  • * Limit description to 80 words or less. **Please enter the description exactly as you wish it to appear in MMEA Conference publications. ***MMEA reserves the right to edit session descriptions as needed to comply with publishing guidelines.
  • Please provide pertinent information regarding any/all sponsorship for this session. (i.e. Name of sponsoring company/organization, contact person, contact person information – email, phone, etc.)
    NOTE: Computer availability is the responsibility of the clinician. MMEA does not provide computers for event sessions.
  • Please list any additional equipment/audio visual needs required for this session.
    NOTE: Please refer to Section 10.4 of the MMEA Performance Application Criteria for information regarding Demonstration Ensembles.
  • Please provide any additional information that may be relevant to the success of this presentation.
  • Clinician/Presenter Confirmation

  • *Clinician name badges will include the clinician’s name, and either their city/state, OR their institution.
  • *Clinician name badges will include the clinician’s name, and either their city/state, OR their institution.
  • *Clinician name badges will include the clinician’s name, and either their city/state, OR their institution.
  • *Clinician name badges will include the clinician’s name, and either their city/state, OR their institution.
  • *Clinician name badges will include the clinician’s name, and either their city/state, OR their institution.

Mark Your Calendar!

January 24-27, 2024
