2021 MMEA Research Poster Sessions


Welcome to our virtual research poster session.  Just like at a typical poster session, please feel free to come and go from each poster and to stay as short or long at each as you choose.  You may ask questions, join the discussion, or just view the poster and listen, as you prefer. 

The research poster session has been divided into two parts of one hour each.  The schedule is below, along with the poster title, author(s), and abstract.  Click on the link by each poster to go to the “room” where the presenter will be displaying the poster.  If a password is required by the hosting site, it will be provided after the link.

Session 1:  1:00-2:00 p.m.



  1. The Effect of Conducting Behaviors on the Evaluation of Conductor Competence: Modification and Extension
  • Jason Cumberledge, University of Louisville;
  • Brian A. Silvey, University of Missouri-Columbia;
  • Alec Scherer, Texas State University;
  • Joshua Boyer, University of Missouri-Columbia

Abstract: 1 Cumberledge MMEA2021

Link: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/92554820705

Passcode: NA


  1. Expectation and Experiences: A Comparison of Preservice Teacher Perceptions and Inservice Teacher Observations of Marching Band Instruction
  • Julia Baumanis, University of Central Missouri; Florida State University

Abstract: 2 Baumanis MMEA 2021

Link: https://ucmo.zoom.us/j/95874044635?pwd=WmZWUnNTbHhOcGVkNElGOWk1U1g0dz09

Passcode: 309355


  1. The Effect of Differentiated Video Presentations of Choral Performances on Aesthetic Responses of Undergraduate Choral and Instrumental Ensemble Musicians

Charles R. Robinson, University of Missouri-Kansas City & Daniel J. Keown, Youngstown State University


Link: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/93922292011?pwd=bTIzMGU3S2NtNjUwb2dnSDFzNVZsUT09

Passcode: MMEA2021




  1. A Narrative of K-12 Rural Tenured Music Teachers: Stories of Those Who Stay the Course

Amy Haddock

Tarkio RI School District; University of Missouri-Columbia


Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89076467366?pwd=ZlB2LzA3Tkx5bml2ZVU1ejZOWmM1QT09

Passcode: NA


  1. Characteristics of the High School Varsity Mixed Show Choir

Christopher Kindle

State Fair Community College; University of Missouri-Columbia


Link: https://sfccmo.zoom.us/j/8490436814

Passcode: NA



  1. Cultivating Socially Just Concert Programming Perspectives through Preservice Music Teachers’ Band Experiences: A Multiple Case Study

Christian Noon

University of Missouri-Columbia; University of South Carolina


Link: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/91749446578

Passcode: NA


  1. Antigone In Ferguson: The Experience of Seven Members of the Democratic Chorus in a Social Justice Musical Production

Philip Woodmore

University of Missouri-Columbia


Link: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/96399822181

Passcode: NA




  1. Perceptions of Preparedness: Choral Directors and Missouri Undergraduate Piano Proficiency

Jordan Allen

Nixa Public Schools; University of Central Missouri


Link: https://nixaschools-net.zoom.us/j/94926295703?pwd=dmxHUHdLMDlCbmhDRThEdHRZVmtCUT09

Passcode: MMEA2021


  1. Seeing is Believing: Female Graduate Conducting Students’ Experiences

Emily Edginton Andrews

University of Missouri-Columbia


Link: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/5920945910?pwd=Y2FROFNDcVliTEVNamlYK29XZ0lBUT09

Passcode: MMEA2021


  1. High School Band Contest Repertoire in Ohio: Analysis and Recommendations

Allison Davis

University of Missouri-Columbia; Bowling Green State University


Link: https://umsystem.zoom.us/j/6143073218?pwd=TGdMYWsrQ2Y2L2pNcUdGd3FrVzdRZz09

Passcode: MMEA2021


  1. Factors Concerning Students’ Continued Participation in High School Orchestra: Musical Experiences, Family Involvement, and Private Lesson Opportunities

Alysse Trusty

Liberty 53 School District; University of Missouri-Kansas City


Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89434887174?pwd=eEhGUURDSU9SYTBVbUs0bGxNaEl0Zz09

Passcode: 9cWLRt


  1. She’s with the Band: Exploring Gender Divisions in Military Bands

Allegra Wolff

University of Central Missouri



Passcode: MMEA2021